Sunday, November 20, 2011

Fossil Hunting in Chesapeake Bay

Went fossil hunting - took a tip off the Internet for a great (albeit Public) fossil site down on the Chesapeake Bay. The Calvert Cliffs State Park is apparently well known for it's fossilized shark teeth, shells, and snails. It was a great trip; there's about a 1.8 mile hike to get to the beach -

Holy beaver damage!

Once I got there, I knew I was going to have my work cut out for me!!

So, I decided I would just sit and have lunch first - eating lunch on the beach in Chesapeake Bay.

Actually found my first tooth right where I was sitting. I sifted through the debris and sand right at my feet and turned up (what I thought was) a Cretoxyrhina (shark) tooth. As it turns out, though, this area is Miocene, not Cretaceous where I'm used to hunting. So these sharks were MUCH younger than anything I've found before.

Actually found a non-shark tooth as well. Some sort of fang (seen on the far right). I have no clue what it might be though!

Had a great variety of shells as well. Much better looking than the cretaceous junk I normally see in the Western Kansas chalk!

Not an extraordinary fossil hunting day, but to paraphrase my friend Tom Caggianno, 'a bad day hunting fossils, is better than any other day!'

More information on the Calvert County exposure -

Saturday, November 19, 2011

The Bison Expedition

My daughter and I went on an expedition out to the west side of the county a few weeks back. She loves exploring and I knew of a spot where I'd found a bison skeleton washing out of the side of a creek. I'd always idly wondered if it was still coming out or if it had been completely washed away, SO we decided to go take a look.

We parked on the side of the road and immediately found some pretty cool bones to look at:

As we started digging around the site, it was pretty apparent this was a medium sized canine. I initially thought it might be a coyote, but, sadly, it turned out to be a dog and at least one puppy. Even more tragic was what appeared to be an old plastic garbage bag deteriorating around the bones. Along with the fact that none of the bones appeared to have been broken (meaning not hit by a car), this implied, in my opinion, the dogs had been stuffed in a garbage bag and dumped on the side of the road. It was an interesting adventure for the daughter unit tho!

After digging on the dog bones for a while, we continued on down to the creek where I'd found the bison bones fifteen years or so ago.

Of course, there was plenty of flora to go through first in order to GET to the creek bed.

It was a lot of fun!

...and we even found some fish swimming around (can you see them?).

We found the Bison bones right away. Unfortunately, I had convinced myself that, while I did want to find it, I didn't expect to find it. Thus, I came ill-prepared and had almost nothing with which to dig. SO, we took some good pictures instead. I'll need to get with the property owner if I ever decide I want to go get it.

But wait! It wasn't a waste of a day, not by a long shot. Aside from spending some great quality time with my daughter, we also started finding plenty of bone fragments along the sandy beach (and in the water!).

Our first bone fragment discovery.

Daughter picking up some bone fragments.

Then we started finding some BIG pieces. This is a fragmented bison femur. I'm still not entirely convinced it wasn't harvested because of the type of fracture - it LOOKS like the marrow might have been accessed. It doesn't, however, appear to have been who knows? It was pretty exciting though!

So exciting, in fact, that we needed to take a banana break.

After a quick break, we made our BIG find for the day - I don't know that it's necessarily associated with the femur fragment from earlier, but we found the partial, horned skull of a HUGE bison bull.
Daughter checking it out after I pulled it from the creek.

THEN we discovered this Bison skull was actually someone's home! We let him know we were claiming imminent domain on his house and he had to leave.

What a GREAT expedition! We found plenty of exciting bones around the area, took some pictures of some of the flora in the area, and had a pretty good time throwing rocks into the water too!

Of course, we had to show momma what we found too -

More adventures to come!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Countryside Trip (Flower Hunting)

The daughter and I went out around the city looking for late-summer bloomers. Found some pretty good ones!

Wild grasses on approach to a local creek

Very vibrant colors alongside the road compared to the rest of the bleak, sunburned landscape this time of year. Trumpet Vines (Campsis radicans)


Bushy Wallflowers (Erysimum repandum).Daughter thought they were good for picking. 

I THINK this is a sticker bush..?

Still looking for this one. A fern of some type down by the creek.

Annual Fleabane (Erigeron annuus). Not entirely sure on this one; there are several that look similar to this in Kansas. This was the closest based upon the size of the pedals and the vine.

Kansas domestic sunflowers. Should have turned to get a better shot of the field these were in, but it was probably 10 to 15 acres worth of these huge flowers. Honey bees everywhere!