OK, this is one of the more incredible sights I've ever seen. You have heard of Falconeers in the UK and US, right? They are hunters and sportsmen who use falcons to catch things like rabbits, squirrels, and other varmits. Strictly speaking it's not incredibly prevalent in the US, so if you have NOT heard about Falconeering, well...consider yourself informed. Look it up :)
The huntsmen in the steppes of Mongolia apparently take this a little....no, a LOT more serious. They use EAGLES to fill the role of the falcon. The commentator calls them
der Adler Jager, or Ealge Hunter
.While I am sure there is an official name for this type of hunting, I shall call them EAGLEERS. Actually, typing it out, that is probably exactly what it is called.
The Eagleers of Mongolia hunt MUCH bigger game including foxes and wolves. They also use multiple eagles to take out bigger game (such as wolves).
Check out this amazing video of survival in the steppes of Mongolia!