Sunday, August 28, 2011

Countryside Trip (Flower Hunting)

The daughter and I went out around the city looking for late-summer bloomers. Found some pretty good ones!

Wild grasses on approach to a local creek

Very vibrant colors alongside the road compared to the rest of the bleak, sunburned landscape this time of year. Trumpet Vines (Campsis radicans)


Bushy Wallflowers (Erysimum repandum).Daughter thought they were good for picking. 

I THINK this is a sticker bush..?

Still looking for this one. A fern of some type down by the creek.

Annual Fleabane (Erigeron annuus). Not entirely sure on this one; there are several that look similar to this in Kansas. This was the closest based upon the size of the pedals and the vine.

Kansas domestic sunflowers. Should have turned to get a better shot of the field these were in, but it was probably 10 to 15 acres worth of these huge flowers. Honey bees everywhere!