Sunday, April 8, 2012

Our backyard jungle

While working in the garden last week, I saw a large variety of land snail that we've had crawling around for the last 15 years or so.... I had never seen them in Kansas before that... I kind of thought that we had brought them back from Hawaii in some orchid pots because that was about the time I first started seeing them. They are now very common here.

I have a friend at Pittsburg State University who is studying Kansas snails, so I sent photos to him... it turns out that it wasn't anything exotic (like from Hawaii), but rather a snail commonly found in the Eastern U.S. that is now moving west... it is certainly a new record for this part of the state... a jump of several hundred miles from the previously known most western occurrence.

Here's lookin' at you, bub!.... Face to face with a White-lipped globe snail...first described by Say (1816).

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